CvS Consulting, LLC
Arlington, Virginia
Chandler von Schrader, CvS Consulting, owner. Chandler started in residential energy efficiency matters as a DHW solar installer and salesman back in 1982. From there he began doing RCS "clipboard audits" in DC and MD - performing several thousands. That led to delivering a host of WX and rehab services for inner city dwellings. Staying in the greater DC area he continued supporting and managing multiple resiential DSM and commercial lighting programs. Along the way he owned a kitchen and bath store where his remodeling skills were polished for a year before returning to manage more utility programs. He rounded out his hands on remodeling experience by working with a mid-size HVAC company. Eventually joining EPA's ENERGY STAR's program as manager of HPwES for about ten years - allowing the opportunity to travel the country establishing relations with state and utility programs and contractors of all stripe. A huge supporter of promoting HVAC quality installation rigors. Left EPA after the 2016 election and now occasionally provides building science training to several organizations in Northern VA.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM