Environmental Sustainability Coordinator City of Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colorado
The City of Fort Collins Air Quality Program is the recipient of an Environmental Justice grant through the EPA to better align and integrate their indoor air quality and energy efficiency programs. Centering their work in equity, the vision of the grant is that all Fort Collins community members have a healthy, energy efficient and resilient home environment. Through the 2-year grant cycle, City of Fort Collins staff is working with community members to adapt their current Healthy Homes indoor air quality program to include energy efficiency and comfort. This session will share best practices and lessons learned from building relationships with underrepresented community members to design and implement an adapted program plan. Presenters will also share preliminary findings from early stages of implementing the program that is being piloted.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Upon completion, session attendees will learn about best practices around recruiting, designing and implementing focus group sessions with community members to better understand their needs surrounding indoor air quality, energy efficiency and home comfort.
Upon completion, session attendees will learn how to align and integrate a program focused on indoor air quality program, energy efficiency and home comfort.
Upon completion, session attendees will learn how to build relationships with underrepresented community members and how these relationships assist with informing and empowering changes they can make to improve their home indoor environmental quality.