Retrofitting or upgrading of our existing housing stock is front and center of our energy, emissions, electrification, decarbonization, and climate conversations. However, some remodeling measures can come with potential harm to the building or the occupant. How do we know when that risk will be minimal or when it might push the house "over the cliff"? This session will look at both robust and risky approaches to home remodeling, including building enclosure and mechanical system upgrades. When does the "order matter" and how do we communicate that to the owner? Are there safer approaches to make sure we achieve our climate goals without sacrificing the home or its occupants. Learn how you can reduce your risk with a systems-guided approach to remodeling.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Learn to apply key building science principles to remodeling scenarios
Identify remodeling measures that can impact long-term energy, durability, and indoor air quality
Understand pathways, protocols, and approaches that can lead to improved remodeling success