VP, Best Practices BOWA Design Build Experts Silver Spring, Maryland
What are common summer time moisture issues? What tools are used to evaluate them? And what are the cures—whether the simple fix for the number one most common complaint, or seven figure repairs for complex ones? A lot of the “building science” information we get was developed from cold-climate research, and the rules that work in wintertime don’t always apply in humid, warm summers. As the climate changes, even parts of the country where air conditioning used to be unheard of are experiencing these conditions. In this presentation, an experienced hand at troubleshooting shares lessons learned over decades of evaluating, repairing, and most importantly preventing summer time moisture issues. You’ll walk through case studies and get to discover the causes for common symptoms. Profusely illustrated with over 100 photos, and presented in an open discussion style so everyone can contribute.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Understand the main principles of warm weather moisture, where it comes from, the forces that move it, and how to keep it where it causes no harm
Discuss methods and benefits of humidity control HVAC equipment
Review wall, roof, and foundation construction materials and methods which are appropriate for mixed-humid climates